When the Moon Spun Round
Ceol Connected and Fidget Feet proudly present a new aerial dance and traditional music production for young audiences
Touring nationally in 2025
The Land of a Hundred Little Hills
Coproduced by Ceol Connected, the National Concert Hall and Draíocht Arts Centre
Songtales Sa Spéir
Get ready for a live music extravaganza like no other when we bring our SongTales sa Spéir festive experience right to your doorstep.
New Site in Development
We are in the process of developing our new website. In the meantime, check out our current projects or get in touch!
Our work at Ceol Connected is kindly supported by the Arts Council, Creative Ireland and a range of venues and other organisations.
Ba mhór againn cuidiú a thug na gníomhaireachtaí seo luaite: Grúpa Forbartha Áitiúil Forbairt Chomhtháite Mhuineacháin Theoranta, Comhairle Chontae Mhuineachán, an Roinn Forbartha Tuaithe agus Pobail chomh maith le Ciste Eorpach Talamhaíochta le Forbartha Tacaíochta áitúila don Scéim seo a chuir i bfheidhm.
We would also like to acknowledge the assistance of Monaghan Local Action Group (LAG), Monaghan Integrated Development CLG, Monaghan County Council, the Minister and Department of Rural and Community Development and ‘The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas’ in funding this project. Funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development.
Click here for more information on the Department of Rural and Community Development.
Click here for information on the European agricultural fund for rural development.